
What is the Kobe International Sustaining Organization? 
Purpose of Kobe International Sustaining Organization

 東北ボランティア,熊本球磨川千葉県布良(めら),佐賀県武雄北海道厚真(あつま)町,岡山県真備(まび),広島県小屋浦,呉市市原,愛媛県肱川(ひじかわ),福岡県松末(ますえ),熊本県益城(ましき),鬼怒川丹波水害熱海など,および海外ボランティア,炊き出しは常時募集しています。「スケジュール」をご覧ください。 ⇒ スケジュール 

海外支縁 ⇒ カヨ子基金https://kayokofund.jp/ 

被災でお困りの方,炊き出し,がれき撤去,ドロ出し,畳替えは下記に 休日なし,年中24時間ご連絡をなさってください。 


携帯 or メールアドレス
90-3706-2315(本田寿久理事長)     qqg75thd@globe.ocn.ne.jp
080-3101-1151(村上裕隆代表)        kisokobe4@docomo.ne.jp
070-5045-7127(岩村義雄代表)      QYH05423@nifty.com
080-4267-4820(佐々木美和事務局長)   miwa.kayokofund@gmail.com
事務局:山本智也(耕支縁),大島健二郎(熊本),松本真祐,本田博之,水谷弥生(会計),櫻井由里子,土手ゆき子(発送),佐々木美和(国際),徳留由美(国際),堀 浩一(炊き出し),田村晋作(I.C.S.),忠内 一由, 宮田佳典(丹波),三好直美(国際),影近有紀,大河戸章代(事務局),野田健二,東 静香。 

          〒655-0049 神戸市垂水区狩口台5-1-101 
          Tel : (078) 782-9697 Fax: (078) 784-2939
          E-mail: kiso@mbe.nifty.com 
  スケジュール  https://kisokobe.sub.jp/calendar

    維持のための本会員は,     一口 2,400円/一年。(月に200円×12ヶ月)
    維持のための賛助会員は,    一口 5,000円/一年。
    維持のためのオーナー会員は,一口 10,000円/一年。
    海外の孤児 「カヨ子基金」   一口  3,000円/月。現地に全額が直接手渡されます。


 郵便振替  口座 00900-8-58077 加入者名 一般社団法人 神戸国際支縁機構
 三菱UFJ銀行 三宮支店(462)   普通 3422530  Kayoko Fund 

 三菱UFJ銀行 三宮支店(462)   普通 3169863  神戸国際支縁機構 岩村義雄





阪神・淡路大震災の恩返し 『毎日新聞』(2024年1月17日付)。


「水平の〈運動〉から、垂直の〈活動〉に」岩村牧師 災害ボランティアを語る 東京大学 2016年5月1日

『東北テレビ』(TBC 2023年10月17日18:30-19:00 脱穀)



『東北テレビ』(TBC 2023年4月16日18:15-19:00 田植え)

 脱穀 『東北テレビ』( 同 2023年10月17日18:30-19:00 脱穀)












『AIC』ニューズレター(ローマ・カトリック教会 2020年11月18日付)。


『Kiss FM KOBE』(2021年8月7日)

      20210814『Kiss FM KOBE』②

『Kiss FM KOBE』(2021年8月14日)


“Our delightedness brought from worries” from “Chugai Nippo”(Oct. 23, 2020)

Yoshio Iwamura   Volunteer activities in Ishinomaki City

Director of Kobe International Sustaining Organization
Pastor of Kobe International Christ Church

It’s a scene just after the big tsunami that happened almost 10 years ago. I saw many cars stuck vertically in the rice fields. The car is a symbol of convenience. Miyagi Prefecture supports the large consumption city of Tokyo as the major rice-producing prefecture. The paddy fields were moaning in sludge and debris brought by the black tsunami. During the time of escaping from the tsunami, it was dangerous to use the car since all of the cars were congested and clocked the roads. Highways were destructed and twisted, airports lost their functions because of the tsunami, and fishing ports which were the center place of fisheries were completely destroyed.

Our visit to Ishinomaki City Miyagi Prefecture through 15 hours of driving from Kobe by saying “We will come again” to local people reached 112 times. What made us do so? Our actions didn’t come from the act of an evangelist. Our sensitivities were directly linked to our actions. In the past, there is history that rice cultivation in severe cold regions cruelly made Tohoku people suffer. People went away from home to work in the city and daughters had been sold even after the war. 

In the 1950s, there were no farming machines, small pickup trucks, or chemical fertilizers for Tohoku farmers. The peasants were at the mercy of the national policy “tanshyu (反収: the rice yield per 10 areas)” that was driven by the government. Volunteers from Kobe have begun to struggle with the soil covered by the tsunami mud. We were also in a blind effort like pioneers to the salty rice fields. We only had an innocent spirit of being with local people. We didn’t have any skills. It was probably a reckless action. It is a problem if stink bugs appear because of the pesticide-free and organic farming style. And we felt cold looks, “You all from the city can’t bear the severe nature”.

I felt pain in my intestine duodenum for a few days before we leave from Kobe because of my “anxiety”. I could not sleep. We purchased rice seedlings that do not contain neonicotinoid-based pesticides from Osaki City. We also started to receive support from Yasuda Shigeru, Professor Emeritus of Kobe University, and also local farmers. Young people heard about our activities and began to participate in one another from all over Japan. My wife, Kayoko, took care of the management of contacts between participants. And she encouraged me with her prayers.

We listen to our creator’s voice, “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground”. Since I am an unpaid pastor, so I kept giving my hard times to my wife. Unlike in the past, not humans but the earth became the other party to us. Kayoko handed us her hand-made meal boxes and sent out the participants with her smiles while waving her hands. We were just worried about undiscovered tasks. We began to take our steps like a baby. Never give up even if we stumbled and made scars on our foreheads, and just keep going.

In September, we experienced with children, who will be responsible for the next generation, that our ninth rice harvest in Ishinomaki City which is the place of agriculture, forestry, and fishing. We were delighted to work together with the locals.





 みなさまのご協力をお願いします。 ⇒ 手作りマスク支縁 国際部 携帯 080-4267-4820 (佐々木美和) 〒655-0049 神戸市垂水区狩口台5-1-101      m.kuro-neko@hotmail.com





We are always looking for volunteers at Tohoku, the North part of Kyushu Mashiki in Kumamoto and Masue in Fukuoka, Mabi in Okayama, Koyaura, Kure in Hiroshima, Hijikawa in Ehime, Atsuma in Hokkaido, Saga, and overseas.
Please chose to apply for food distribution work, agricultural support activities (non-pesticide, organic farming at Nishi-Ku, Kobe City), or listening, volunteers.



Click the reversed blue character Description or Video

Young people who go to the affected areas immediately.




<支縁の対象となる被災地> 神戸国際支縁機構がかけつけた被災地: 2014年以降

丹波水害(2014年8月15日 死 2)以降毎年,秋には兵庫県丹波市市島で炊き出し第1号。茨城県鬼怒川(2015年9月10日 死14) 水害地に(2015年9月9日-11日)ボランティア 18名で現地入り,熊本県益城(ましき)(2016年4月14日 21:26 M6.2 4月16日 01:25 M7.3 死20/273 [関連死218]) 炊き出し第1号(愛児園 700食/1回),福岡県杷木町松末(2017年7月5日 死40不明2) 杷木中体育館で炊き出し第1号,岡山県真備町箭田(やた) (2018年7月6日 死224[59]不明8) 第二福田小学校で炊き出し第1号,広島県小屋浦4丁目( 同 死 20),神戸市垂水区( 同 ),北海道厚真M6.7(2018年9月6日 03:07 死43) 厚真町長から感謝状,新潟県村上(2019年6月18日),佐賀県大町町(2019年8月27日 死3,2021年8月14日) 毎月独居の高齢者を傾聴,千葉県布良(2019年9月15日 死16 不明2) 毎月独居の高齢者を傾聴,2019年10月12日(福島県いわき市 死7,宮城県丸森町 死10[関連死1]),熊本県球磨川(2020年7月4日 死50),7月4日に現地入り。以降,ボランティア活動継続。2021年2月13日(福島県相馬市尾浜地震M7.3 死1[関連死1]),熱海(2021年7月3日 死者27名[災害関連死含む] 不明1),当日熱海市役所訪問。2021年8月9日(死2,負傷者41),2022年8月3日(台風大雨被害)など福島県いわき市,宮城県丸森町,石巻市渡波など。2022年8月4日滋賀県長浜 丹生(にう)ダム建設予定地 2022年8月4日。

Leaflet of “Kobe International Sustaining Organization”[/caption]

 [旧称   神戸国際支機構 Kobe International Supporting Organization] ⇒ Kobe International Sustaining Organization   

 神戸国際支機構(KISO)は,2001[平成13]年10月20日に,主幹1名,事務局長1名を選出し,事務局を 神戸市垂水区狩口台5-1-101 に置くことを決定しました。

[Former name: Kobe International Supporting Organization]
The Kobe International Sustaining Organization (KISO) was established on October 20, 2001, and we elected one chief secretary-general and one executive director. We decided to place the main office at 1-101 Kariguchi-dai 5-chome, Tarumi,  Kobe,  Japan  655-0049.


In April 2017, Yoshio Iwamura became the Director & Chairman, Hirotaka Murakami was elected as the representative, and Toshihisa Honda was elected as the secretary-general of the organization. In our principle, we hold regular director meetings once a month and it still continues until now.
Registered as a general incorporated association on September 13, 2011.

 正式名称は「神戸国際支機構」です。英語名は従来通り,Kobe International Sustaining Organization。 略称は KISO。
e-mailは kiso@mbe.nifty.com   

The official name is the “Kobe International Sustaining Organization”. (KISO)
Email: kiso@mbe.nifty.com
  We don’t use LINE.

(社)神戸国際支縁機構 石巻支所
住 所 : 〒986-2121 宮城県石巻市渡波町3-5-37
所 長 : 阿部捷一支所長逝去のため,阿部とよ子夫人が代行
電 話 : (0225) 24-3107

住 所 : 〒862-0939 熊本市東区長嶺南4-4-27 ウイングアイ303

Kobe International Sustaining Organization Ishinomaki Branch

Address: 5-37 Watanoha 3-chome, Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture  986-2121
Chief : Toyoko Abe (Reliefer) 
Phone : (0225) 24-3107

Kumamoto Branch
Address: Wing-I 303, 4-27 Nagamineminami 4-chome, Higashi-ku, Kumamoto City 862-0939
Kenjiro Oshima

『ワ』(2020年1月4日付) 孤児のホーム開所式 2020年1月3日。

『ラダー スルテン紙』(2019年9月14日付) 「カヨコ・チルドレン・ホーム」開所式 2019年9月12日

『ラダー スルテン紙』(2019年5月10日付)。


『読売新聞』(2017年8月28日付)  “Yomiuri Shimbun” (August 28, 2017)

「縁」relationship もゆかりもない東北に出かけて,痛み,つらさ,悲しみを共有した時に,家族のような「絆」bond ができました。ボランティアはつなぎ目の働きでしょう。
 「人は“縁”という糸で,誰かと結ばれています。深い。浅い。近い。遠い。縁もいろいろですが,困ったときは人の縁に感謝します。……ほころび,途切れた社会の縁を何とか結び直さねばなりません。……縁を支える別の糸が要るのかもしれません。いろんな糸をよりあわせれば強くしなやかな縁になります。震災を経験した私たちはそのことを痛感しているのではありませんか。」(神戸新聞「正平調」改 2012年3月28日付)。

On March 11, 2011, the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami occurred. Three days later, we started preparing volunteer activities to support the poor and victims in the affected area. We started to ask for materials and goods through mass media from the 16th. On March 20, we headed to Sendai and Ishinomaki City, and the opportunity to live together with local people was born.

Therefore, we decided to change the word in our organization name, from “supporting” to “sustaining”.

We went out to Tohoku, where there was no relationship before, and when we shared their pain and sorrows, we could establish a “bond” like a family. Volunteer work is just like a connection of bond.

“People are connected with someone by a string of ‘En (relationship)’. Deep, shallow, close, far. There are many ‘En’, but when you are in trouble, you appreciate ‘En’ with other people. Frayed and broken ‘En’ of society should manage to re-tie it. It may need other strings to support ‘En’. When various types of string come together, ‘En’ becomes stronger and more flexible. Don’t we realize it as who experienced the earthquake disasters, do we?” (Kobe Shimbun. “Seiheicho”. March 28, 2012)


Since 3.11, we visit the affected area to do volunteers almost every month. Our visit has already become more than 100 times.
Started FACEBOOK on November 6, 2015.

  しあわせ運べるように  To be able to deliver happiness

Please refer to details through the schedule, volunteer recruitment, and Volunteer-Do.

宮城県石巻市門脇町 2016年12月23日撮影 Current Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture.

今の宮城県石巻市 被災地を見よ
Look at the affected area.

混沌の時代 21世紀の親鸞,法然が現れよ

The era of chaos.
Appear Sinran and Honen of the 21st century


    Ⓒ石巻市渡波 2011年3月21日(月)午後4時12分 SONY Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 撮影 岩村義雄 20110321 ④ Downtown b008c2 Tanigawa Watanoha, Ishinomaki City. 4:12 pm, March 21, 2011 (Monday) SONY Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 Photo by Iwamura

Q: 会が発足したきっかけは何ですか
A: 2001年10月7日,米国ニューヨーク市の同時多発テロの報復として,「対テロ戦争」という名目でアフガニスタンに空爆を開始。アメリカは当初,攻撃目標は軍事目標に限定していると発表していましたが,誤爆などで住宅や民間施設も被害にあいました。その結果,多くの人命が失われました。戦争から逃れるために多くの難民が発生することになり,何かできることがないだろうかという感性に基づいて情報収集,セミナー,支援活動を始めていくことになりました。戦争,震災などで傷ついた人々と共生,共苦,苦縁のために小さな働きを始めました。

 2001年9月11日 アメリカ同時多発テロ


  難民鎖国 STOP!

Q: What was the purpose to establish the organization?
On October 7, 2001, as retaliation for simultaneous terrorist attacks in New York City in the United States, the US started air strikes in Afghanistan under the name of “war against terror”. In the beginning, the US announced that the target of the attack was limited to military objects. However, civilian houses and private facilities were also damaged due to the errant bomb attacks. As a result, so many lives have been lost. Many refugees were born to escape from war, and we started to collect information, operate seminars, and support activities based on the feeling that there is something we can do. We started our small action to do “Co-existence, Share sufferings, Ku-en (connection born from sharing sufferings)” with the people who got hurt by wars and disasters.

The September 11 attacks. September 11, 2001.

The organization is neither a political group nor a profit group nor a professional group. We live for others, suffer together, and share a bowl of sorrow.

Japan has declared internationally that receives refugees. There are cases in that people escape from their own country to Japan for seeking security because their lives in danger due to the political and ideological position in their own country are not being accepted. However, Japan’s response does not accept most refugee applications. Immediately, people are caught and imposed in the detention center of the Ministry of Justice. Their human rights and freedom are deprived. If people are forcibly repatriated, they will be punished in their home, but Japan doesn’t think about it and act forcibly repatriation. Japan refuses even refugee applicants that the UN recognizes.

Japan joined the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees in 1981. There are 23,487 refugee applications to Japan in three years. There are 65 million people who need protection in the world. One in 113 people is a refugee and it continues to increase. The number of refugees that are recognized by the Ministry of Justice in Japan is only 66 people in three years. Refugees are different from illegal immigrants and immigrants.

There are 10,901 refugee applicants in Japan, but the number of accreditation is only 28 people. “About the number of refugee accreditations in 2015” (Preliminary report data on February 10, 2017. Ministry of Justice)

The current three accommodation centers in Japan are in terrible condition and it just like modern Auschwitz. People who commit suicide or lost their minds are increasing.

Therefore, until Japan becomes to consider escaping people from other countries and gives humanitarian acts that should be done as human beings, we continue to participate in the Forum of Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan and seek the “Multinational and multicultural coexistence society that we make”.

Stop a closed-door policy for refugees!

Q : 東日本大震災前までまでどんなイベントをしましたか
A : 「足元からの難民支援」講座,ミャンマーの難民申請者を支援するための研究会を発足。神戸市垂水区で,はじめてイラク展を開催。イラクの民衆の生活などをパネル展示,手づくりの絵本展示,現地の状況を報告。2005年,日野原重明氏の「震災10年 ・みんなで考える命の尊さ」,2006年,前日本銀行総裁の速水優氏による「明日の日本を考える」集会を開催。神戸文化ホールで「マザー・テレサ」映画を上映。2009年,カナダから11名の教育関係者を招き,神戸カナダ教育文化交流事業学校訪問を主催。

Q: What kind of events had we done before the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami?
A: We established the study group to support the refugee applicant of Myanmar and also conducted the lecture on “Support for refugees from the bottom”. We held the first Iraq exhibition in Tarumizu, Kobe City. We exhibited a panel of the lives of Iraqi people and handmade picture books and reported about the real situation on the ground. In 2005, we organized “The tenth years of the Earthquake. Think about the importance of lives together” by Mr. Shigeaki Hinohara, and “Think about the future of Japan” by the former president of Bank of Japan, Masaru Hayami. We screened the film “Mother Teresa” at the Kobe Cultural Hall. In 2009, we invited 11 educational officials from Canada and conducted the Kobe-Canada educational exchange program to visit schools.
We have been sponsored by Hyogo Prefecture, Hyogo Educational Committee, Kobe City, Kobe Educational Committee, NHK Kobe Branch, Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Sankei Shimbun, Kobe Shimbun, Sun TV, Radio Kansai, and Japan Bible Society and others until 2011.

 貪欲な富を追い求めることによって忘れられた自然生態の回復のため,農・林・漁,沿道整備,傾聴ボランティアを毎月継続。宮城県だけでなく福島県岩手県丹波水害鬼怒川水害訪問熊本・大分地震,九州北部豪雨西日本豪, 佐賀水害千葉災害,また海外の自然災害のため,中国フィリッピン,バヌアツネパールベトナム,シリアインドネシア,ガーナの復旧,復興,再建に機構は赴いています。孤児のために施設を建設しています。「カヨ子基金」を用いて孤児たちが大人になるまで教育費を毎月3千円日本の里親が支縁します。東北ボランティアに参加した若者たちが震災で親,家,友をなくした子どもたち,犠牲者に仕えています。


『みんなあつまれ』(兵庫県青少年団体連絡協議会 2019年 7頁)。


Q: What kind of activities are we doing every month?
A: The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami occurred at 2:46 pm on March 11, 2011. Three days later, we started to prepare for volunteer work. Through coexistence with the people of Watanoha, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, the Kobe International Sustaining Organization (former name was the Kobe International Supporting Organization) was established in September 2011.  We changed the word “supporting” to “sustaining”.

For the recovery of natural ecology that was forgotten because of pursuing greedy wealth, we continue volunteering for agriculture, forestry, fishery, and roadside improvement, and listening to people continuously every month.

We visit not only Miyagi Prefecture, but also Fukushima Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, flood damage in Tanba, flood damage in Kinugawa River, Kumamoto-Oita earthquakeheavy rain in the northern part of Kyushu, Western Japan Flood, Saga, and Chiba.

We also go for overseas natural disaster-affected areas such as China, Philippines, Vanuatu, Nepal, Vietnam, Syria, Indonesia, and Ghana for their restoration, reconstruction, and resurrection. We are constructing facilities for orphans. Foster parents in Japan will support the education expenses of 3,000 yen a month until the orphan becomes an adult through “Kayoko Fund”. Young volunteers, who participated in Tohoku, services victims, and children who lost their parents, homes, and friends.

We also work hard for the cycle of natural ecology that of “Resurrection of Rice Field, Mountain, and Bay”.

Since the summer of 3.11, we do agriculture, forestry, and fishery volunteers every month, and from June of the following year, we operate the listening volunteer at Watanoha, Ishinomaki City for rebuilding the town.

The organization is also working, as a member of the Hyogo Youth Services Administration (Youth group council affiliated organization), for the youth generation who are responsible for the future of Japan to have experience in activities.
During the visit of the 1st Vanuatu, the 1st Nepal, and the 1st Vietnam in 2015, our administrative director of the organization went to do relief activities for children with the letters of Mr. Toshizo Ido, Governor of Hyogo Prefecture, and Hisamoto Kizo, Mayor of Kobe City.


Q : 国内では何をしてきましたか
毎週,機構の東北ボランティア参加者の有志は,神戸市東遊園地[市役所隣]で炊き出しを2014年4月から開始。阪神・淡路大震災により家族,仕事,家を失った人たちと共生します。「路上で生活をしている人」(英語 Bag people《身の回りの物を紙袋に入れて持ち歩く様子から》)が生活,就労できるようにお手伝いさせていただきます。
 就労として機構が契約している神戸市西区友清の田畑で共に土を耕し,無農薬,有機により作物を栽培し,収穫したものを食べていく自産自消(じさんじしょう) 「自分で作って,自分で食べる(消費する)」を目指します。

Q: What do we do in Japan?
A: Since April 2014, our Tohoku volunteer participants started every week food distribution at Kobe City Higashi Amusement Park (next to the city hall). We live together with people who lost their families, work, and homes in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. We help “people live on the street (in English ‘Bag people’, from the figure that people walking with carrying their personal belongings in paper bags) to make living and find work.

We seek to eat food that we cultivate ourselves “自産自消 (cultivate by yourself and eat by yourself)” together while cultivating and growing organic, non-pesticide corps on the farm ground at Tomokiyo Nishi-Ku Kobe City, which the organization contracts it as the place for people to work.

On April 23, 2012, we conducted a lecture by Hiroshi Kameyama, Mayor of Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, at the Kobe Cultural Hall. On September 16, 2015, two university students, who participated in the 2nd Nepal Volunteer, reported about their experience at the Hyogo Prefectural Hall.

Q :  毎月,どんな継続した集いがありますか
日本で一番貧しい労働者がいる釜ヶ崎と連帯する講座として本田哲郎セミナー(毎月第三金曜日午前10時)を開催。神戸新聞会館で,「『死』を考える」講座を2011年4月から依頼されました。「Let’s 農林漁」(毎月第4土午前10時)で無農薬,有機の農法を学習。食育について保田 茂講師から若者たちが学び,兵庫県神戸市西区,宮城県石巻市の田畑で実践しています。反収(たんしゅう)あたりの経済能率,効率を追い求める農業に決別を告げます。農薬,化学肥料は日本人の健康を損なうばかりか自然生態をだめにしています。「田(た)・山(やま)・湾(わん)の復活」を掲げ,里山,里海主義です。米国「Fortune誌」の調査 中小企業白書では会社の寿命は5年程度にすぎません。

Q: Do we have a regular monthly gathering?
A: We conduct the seminar by Tetsuro Honda (10 am on the third Friday of every month) as a lecture to cooperate with Kamagasaki which has the poorest workers in Japan. At the Kobe Shimbun Hall, we continue the course of “think about the ‘death’” since April 2011. Also, we study non-pesticide and organic agricultural methods at the “Let’s do agriculture, forestry, and fishery (10 am on the fourth Saturday of every month)” course. We break up the agricultural methods that pursue economic benefit and efficiency of production per field. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers destroy not only the health of the Japanese people but also the natural ecology. We rise up the “Resurrection of Rice Field, Mountain, and Bay”, and we are naturalists with local mountains and seas. According to the white paper on small and medium-sized businesses survey of the US magazine “Fortune”, the average of company life is about 5 years.

We practice lectures and enlightenment so that young people can judge that farming, fishing, and hunting are better for as work. Not only Japan, but we will also make a secure and peaceful hometown where we can live comfortably while utilizing the rich nature, natural recourses, and energy of the Earth.

Q : 会はどのように運営されていますか。
 原則として,セミナー会費は,一律1,000円です。会費は会場費と講師謝礼に充てられています。「Let’s 農林漁」の場合,500円です。
 2011年9月13日に,法人申請が受理されました。会の財政的基盤を確立しなければ,東北ボランティアの交通費や,事務局の運営などが成り立ちません。2012年度は助成があり,兵庫県立農業高等学校などの交通費をまかなうことができました。しかし,2013年以降,つまり1年半経ちますと助成申請はやめました。若者たちが毎月,被災地へ行くことができるようにやりくりをしています。事務局の近隣の方々,垂水朝祷会,ボランティア参加者,企業,各種団体,寺社仏閣,教会,多くの有志のみなさまの維持会費によってて支えられています。 現在,維持会費によってボランティアに要する交通費年間500万円近くをまかなっています。参加費での不足を寄附で補っています。


Q: How is the organization managed?
A: Currently, we do not collect the annual fees or any other else.

As a general rule, the seminar attendance fee is 1,000 yen. This fee is spent on the venue renting fee and the gratuity for the speakers. The participation fee for the “Let’s do agriculture, forestry, and fishery” course is 500 yen.

Registered as a general incorporated association on September 13, 2011.
If we do not establish the financial foundation of the organization, transportation expenses of the Tohoku volunteers, and management of the organization cannot be carried out. In 2012, we received a subsidy so we were able to cover transportation expenses for Hyogo Prefectural Agricultural High School. However, after 2013, I stopped applying for a subsidy. I am trying to make an effort so that young people are able to go to the affected areas every month. We are supported by neighbors of our office, Tarumi Prayer Meeting, volunteer participants, enterprises, various groups, shrines and temples, churches, and many supporters’ management fees. Today, transportation expenses required for volunteering are covered by management fees, and it is nearly 5 million yen per year. We cover the shortage of participation fees by donations.

We deliver the quarterly magazine “Shien” to our supporters four times a year.

We accept relief donations for natural disaster areas.

Kayoko Fund”: Every month, from your postal bank account, as foster parents, the cost of educational expenses for orphans will be withdrawn automatically until the child becomes adult. We do not use the “Kayoko Fund” for domestic operating expenses, transportation expenses, and labor costs. 

Please cooperate with us so that we can continue to support and coexist with children who are suffering pain domestically and internationally, such as Ishinomaki City, Vanuatu, Nepal, Vietnam, and Syria,

Moreover, after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, we accept donations for affected areas by natural disasters, such as at Asakura City in Fukuoka Prefecture, Syria, Afghanistan, Haiti, Sichuan Province in China, and the Philippines. We look forward to your cooperation and guidance so that we can continue to serve the weak not only in Japan but also in various places in the world.

You can join as many times as you want. You can apply multiple times in each category.

Regular member fee:                          2,400 yen/year (200 yen x 12 months)
Supporting member:                           5,000 yen/year
Ownership member fee:                    10,000 yen/year
Kayoko Fund” for overseas orphans: 3,000 yen/month
  (It is handed directly to the local children.)

● Bank            MUFG Bank, Ltd.
 Branch Name        SANNOMIYA BRANCH
 Account Number     462-3422530

 Currency USD
● Intermediary Bank Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas NY
 Bank BIC (SWIFT Code)    JPPSJPJ1
 Bank            Japan Post Bank
 Branch Name        Head Office
 Bank Address         3-1 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8793, Japan
 Name             KAYOKOKIKIN
 Bank CHIPS UID       427593
 Account Number      14340-96549731  
 Address           1-101 Kariguchi-dai 5-chome, Tarumi, Kobe, Japan 655-0049
 Telephone Number     078-782-9697

In case of donations for overseas disaster areas, please specify the “country name” which you wish to contribute.

Postal transfer
Account Number: 00900-8-58077
Account Name: 一般社団法人 神戸国際支縁機構 (Kobe International Sustaining Organization)
MUFG Bank, Sannomiya Branch
Account Number: 3169863
Account Name: 神戸国際支縁機構 岩村義雄 (Kobe International Sustaining Organization, Yoshio Iwamura)

Please send the money directly to the office or a bank account. In case you are transferring money through the bank account, please notify us of your name and contact information by email.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Q: 収益はありますか。

Q: Does the organization have any profit?
A: The Kobe International Sustaining Organization is a volunteer activity. We do not conduct any business except for providing lectures. We will support weak people, who cannot receive help from governments and related administrations, by giving time, manpower, and financial support from volunteers and generous donations. While we are volunteering in the affected area, we support “cultivation” to grow pesticide-free and organic crops based on “Resurrection of Rice Field, Mountain, and Bay”. There is a plan to do cultivation at Tomokiyo Nishi-ku in Kobe City in collaboration with “people living on the street” who we meet at food distribution activities at Higashi amusement park (next to the city hall).

Although members of the organizing committee receive the actual expenses, we try to not let some limited people can get the benefit.

Q: ボランティア参加費はいくらですか。
A:神戸国際支縁機構は国,県,ボランティア・センター(VC 通称「ボラセン」)から一円も助成や,兵庫県から交通費の割引をてきようされたことがありません。したがって,自分達でガソリン燃費,高速料金などを頭割りして支えています。15万円を参加者8人で割ると,およそ1万8千円見当です。不足分は神戸国際支縁機構が負担しています。

Q :  会員資格について教えてください
A :

Q: Please tell me about your membership.
A: If you agree with our principles, anyone can join in. You also can freely cooperate and support us for transportation expenses for volunteers and maintaining our activities.

You can engage in activities regardless of your qualifications, age, nationality, and religion.

Q : 名称に神戸を用いていますが,どうしてですか
A : 

                         代表 岩村義雄

Q: What is the reason to use “Kobe” in our organization’s name? A: Because it is a work that had begun in Kobe and young people, who were born and raised in the place that experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, started to go to disaster-affected areas.

There are also some regular participants from Kyushu, Chugoku region, Shikoku, Aichi Prefecture, Hokuriku, and Kinki. We established the Ishinomaki branch at Watanoha Ishinomaki City in Miyagi Prefecture in March 2013 and Kumamoto Prefectural branch after July 2016.


The tsunami devastated the entire coastline of Tohoku. It may be the third-largest in the world, but it’s going to cost them billions just to start clearing up the damage. The tsunami, earthquake caused the most extensive damage to Ishinomaki.
And then the task begins trying to rebuild the city, transportation,
facilities, houses, and so on. Above all, in the current financial climate of Ishinomaki city, the rebuilding of temporal school classrooms and buildings won’t be easy.

Especially around Ishinomaki city, due to the tsunami, this looks much worse than what we experienced in Kobe, 1995, that is, sixteen years ago. Compared with the quake of Kobe, Tsunami waves that hit were as high as 20 meters. Waves came far inland, into cities such as Ishinomaki, and as a result carried back out to sea buildings, cars, infant schools, elementary schools, junior and senior schools, homes, factories, and buildings connected to the fishing industry. In Ishinomaki more than 3,280 people have been killed. Similarly, there were 6,434 fatalities in Kobe.

This is a very big blow to any industry that relies on marine products, for example, oysters, soft seaweed, and so on.

Since this March, the young in Kobe has been doing volunteer activities, dealing with  piles of debris on the street in Watanoha
town in Ishinomaki.

Above all, Oshika Peninsula is a wasteland, its streets, villages were swept away. Nothing left there. There is no normal rubbish here. You will find a large desert tract, through which wander a steady trickle of disoriented survivors.

There has been a big problem of depopulation, aging, declining birth rate. However, if it were not for the fishing-connected jobs along the coast of the peninsula, there would be men out of work. Regrettable to say, schools will disappear because of their parents` lack of income. Unfortunately, the children never feel relieved because they have to transfer to schools in the downtown area of Miyagi Prefecture. Since the pupils there have never suffered such terrible experiences, they find it difficult to have compassion for the transfer students. As a
result, some feel so lonely without the companions who went through the dreadful, critical moment together.

We would like to ask you to be part of a large international response to the disaster. What we’re lacking most are donations and the know-how
necessary to establish temporal school buildings. Moreover, to aid the recovery, we need several fishing boats for each village along the peninsula. Restoring the fishing industry is the most significant need for the reconstruction effort.
Please contribute to the Educational Board, Public Works of Ishinomaki City through Kobe International Sustaining Organization.

Chairman   Yoshio Iwamura


Kobe International Sustaining Organization
1-101 Kariguchi-dai 5-chome,Tarumi, Kobe, Japan 655-0049
Chairman Yoshio Iwamrua
Tel : (81)(078) 782-9667 Fax: (81)(078) 784-2939
mobile 070-5045-7127 or 080-3101-1151

一般社団法人 神戸国際支縁機構
Kobe International Sustaining Organization (KISO)
E-mail kiso@mbe.nifty.com
HP http://www.kisokobe.com/
Tel : (078) 782-9697 Fax: (078) 784-2939

岩村 義雄
(Yoshio Iwamura)
E-mail: QYH05423@nifty.com
携帯 070-5045-7127

本ホームページ製作者 川原 清隆 (2023年以降)。
           瀧 大輔 (第2次参加者),井手 仁(2022年1月18日逝去),福島理恵(「『死』を考える」講座),白井祥剛。


<緊 急>   一台(機,個)だけでもけっこうです。
① ユンボ 三トン以下のはさむパワーシャベル×三機,ダンプ×三台の提供を求めています。
三トン以下の×5隻 牡蠣の養殖の復興のために。船外機×5機。


レスキューナウ危機管理研究所,NPO会計税務専門家ネットワーク,㈶NSEF国際協力緊急支援機構,SOTO禅インターナショナル,キーコーヒー仙台工場,仙台キリスト教連合被災支援ネットワーク,大分県社会福祉協議会,米国Program Director,タイ大使館,JGC CORPORATION,ティー・ソリューション,広島田舎暮らし屋,NPO法人フリーヘルプ,立正佼成会社会貢献グループ,兵庫県立農業高等学校,社団法人going touhoku,長崎生活協同組合ララコープ,玉龍寺五百井正浩,フードバンク関西,㈱日揮,一般財団法人共

● (株)日揮は,石巻市役所に発電機を贈呈。
● 西海 馨氏は石巻市役所建設課に重機を贈呈。
● ミヨシ石鹸の石鹸,藤木智代氏の厚手靴下,ダライ・ラマ法王日本代表部は鹿妻の阿部勝氏に委ねました。
● 西福寺,光円寺は餅米,野菜などを提供してくださいました。
● 小島芙美子さんは毎回のように,野菜などを出発前に間に合うように事務局に送付しています。 
● 玉の肌石鹸株式会社は2013年11月にハイエースを提供してくださいました。 
橋元 治氏のサンウォーターも炊き出しに有益です。
● 炊き出しに欠かせないお米を西福寺(豊原正尚副住職),玉龍寺(五百井正浩住職),後藤由美子僧侶(第20次),横山豊宥住職たちが支えてくださっています。
● 玉の肌石鹸株式会社三木晴雄社長,kiso牧場の中山敬一郎氏は資金繰りが困難な時に,献金してくださいます。