宗教倫理学会 田山湾の復活

宗教倫理学会 Religious Ethical Society 夏季一泊研修会 ―

完全原稿 ⇒ 「田・山・湾の復活」
英文 Complete manuscript of  English ⇒ “Resurrection of Rice Field, Mountain, and Bay

日 時 : 2013年8月27日(火) 午後2時半~3時半
場 所 : 関西大学飛鳥文化研究所・セミナーハウス

牧師 岩村義雄
Pastor Yoshio Iwamura




日 時 : 2013年8月27日(火) 午後2時半~3時半
場 所 : 関西大学飛鳥文化研究所・セミナーハウス

牧師 岩村義雄

上おびただしい高層ビルの倒壊。妻カヨ子が「東日本大震災より被害がひどい」と言いました。3日間で準備しました。現地に知り合いはいません。中国語はできません。金銭的には,中華東方航空の上海経由の往復チケットを12万4,810円の10回分割で購入。寝袋をスーツケースに入れ,場合によっては4日間断食で被災地に行く決意で2013年7月21日(日),礼拝が終わってから関西空港に向かいました。なぜお金もたくさん持たず,被災地へ行くことができたのでしょうか。新約に「それから,イエスは彼らと別れ,都を出てベタニアに行き,そこにお泊まりになった」(マタイ 21:17)と記録されています。日本の聖書翻訳は正確ではありません。イエスが「お泊まりになった」(ギリシア語auvli,zomaiアウリゾマイ)は「庭で寝る,野宿する」[セイヤー希英辞典]です。野宿したわけですから,食事もちゃんととっていません。続きを見てみますと,「朝早く,都に帰る途中,イエスは空腹を覚えられた」(18節)と書いてあります。さらに『「今から後いつまでも,お前には実がならないように」と言われると,いちじくの木はたちまち枯れてしまった』(19節)と書かれています。では,お腹が空いているので,イエスは八つ当たりされたのでしょうか。文脈で,神殿において,「境内では目の見えない人や足の不自由な人たち」が無視されているのでイエスは怒って,悪徳な両替商人たちに机をひっくり返して追い出されたと記録されています。その後,いちじくの木を見て,「葉ばかり出して,実がない」と,言われたわけです。つまり「葉っぱばっかりで,中身がない」とは観光客も足を運ぶ荘厳な会堂みたいだと批判されています。キリスト教も信者獲得のため,○○大会,イベント,バザーなどのためにお金をかけて立派な集いをしょっちゅうしますけれど,一時的に人の感情を高揚させる仕掛けではないでしょうか。平行記述のマルコの福音書では,「いちじくの季節ではなかったからである」(マルコ 11:13),と書かれています。したがって,キリストは私的な感情で,腹を立てて言っているのではなかったとわかります。弟子に言います。『「はっきり言っておく。あなたがたも信仰を持ち,疑わないならば,いちじくの木に起こったようなことができるばかりでなく,この山に向かい,『立ち上がって,海に飛び込め』と言っても,そのとおりになる』(マタイ 21:21)と,実践することを説かれました。口先だけで隣人愛を説くことより,実践へと行動が促されたのです。寝袋を備え,野宿の覚悟で中国四川省の被災地へ向かいました。被災者とのかかわりの「はたらき」へと妻カヨ子と筆者に志が促されました1)。2年5ヵ月前に宮城県石巻市の被災地に若者たちと行かせていただいたのも同じ動機でした。

  • 東日本大震災の傷跡

    午後2時46分,荒廃がすごいのです。見渡す限り,がれき,崩れた家屋,震災の爪痕がどこまでも続きます。石巻市でも4千名近くの人々が犠牲になりました。「恐懼(おそれ) と陷阱(おとしあな)また暴行と滅亡我らに來れり。わが民の女の滅亡(ほろび)によりてわが眼には涙の河ながる」(哀歌 3:47-48 『文語訳』)。
    山からの水が田んぼの稲などを育てます。積み重なった葉っぱが良い土を作ります。きれいな水がおいしい作物を作ります。無農薬,有機の土から出る排水が川となり,海に注がれます。「川はみな海に注ぐが海は満ちることなく どの川も,繰り返しその道程を流れる」(コヘレト 1:7 『新共同訳』) 。自然は循環しています。山から海へ行き巡り,海洋で蒸発し,雨となってまた山に降り注ぐのです。
  1. スチュワードシップ
    人間に地球を治めるようにという神の言葉があります。「神は彼らを祝福して言われた。『産めよ,増えよ,地に満ちて地を従わせよ。海の魚,空の鳥,地の上を這う生き物をすべて支配せよ。』3) 「従わせよ」[ヘブライ語 kabash カーヴァシ]や,「支配せよ」[radahラーダー] が使われています(エゼキエル 34:4)。文脈の2節から4節からラーダーは「(羊の群れ)を導く」にあるように暴力的に抑えつけるのではありません。4)人間は自然をやさしくお世話せねばなりません。だが,利得のため,公害,汚染,傲慢な支配によってだいなしにしてきました。自然と共に生きる原点に帰りましょう。

    c. 自然との共生
    東日本大震災の年,宮城県石巻市牡鹿半島を訪問しました。シカの名前が至るところにあります。アイヌの人は鹿がたくさんとれるとカムイ(アイヌ語「神」)に祈りました。5) リアス式の海岸線では,家,命,仕事が津波によって,すっかり流し去られています。かつて各小学校の校長をなさり,現在神戸国際支縁機構の石巻支所長をなさっている阿部捷一氏が案内してくださいました。沖から牡鹿半島を見ますと,緑豊かな山並みです。カエデやコナラなどの広葉樹が繁っています。森に入ると,腰まで落ち葉に埋まるほどです。落ち葉の下には長年にわたり積み重なってきた腐葉土があります。カブトムシ,クワガタムシがもぐっていないかと手をいれると,キノコの臭いがしました。

宮城県気仙沼(けせんぬま)湾で「森は海の恋人」の運動をすすめている畠山重篤(しげあつ)さんがいます。衰えた海の力をよみがえらせるために,海に注ぐ川,そして上流の森を大切にしなければならないことに気づかれました。湾に注ぐ大川上流の森室根山に苗を植えます。1989年より50種25万本の広葉樹を子供たちといっしょに植え始めました。山村に住む歌人熊谷龍子(りゅうこ)さんの「森は海を 海は森を恋いながら 悠久よりの愛紡ぎゆく」という一首から生まれました。6) 耳を木にあててみると音がします。生きています。詩は樹木を語源としてまさに歴史の中で流れているような響きがあります。

私たちは自分勝手な生き方をして自然をこわしてきました。故郷を忘れた放蕩息子です。「ここを出て父の家に帰り」7)とふるさとの自然を慕う息子にとり,帰るところは森です。森であるエデンの園には「命の木」と「善悪の知識の木」がありました。8) 森林を守るか,砂防ダム,治水ダム,土砂ダムを造るかの迷いを人間は繰り返してきています。東北でもシカが増えて困っています。「命の木」とは,森の苗を大切にし,自然の「生態系」を考えます。一方,「善悪の知識の木」とは,自然を支配するヒトの「生命」を大切に考え,シカの数を減らさざるを得ません。自然の「生態系」それとも人間の「生命」のどちらを先に考えるべきでしょうか。「田・山・湾の復活」とは両方を考えながら,みんながそうだとうなずく道を開きます。他の生き物といっしょにつながりをもって自然と共に生きていくのです。

(2) 自然を支配するのではなく,お世話をする
a. 地を従わせよ
「あらゆる種類の獣や鳥,また這うものや海の生き物は,人間によって制御されていますし,これまでも制御されてきました。」(ヤコブ 3:7)。地を制御する,つまり支配する(dominiu terrae)という言葉は聖書の最初に人類創造の創世記1章28節に出てきます。初代教父や,歴代の神学者も人間は自然を支配する権能を有することと解釈してきました。9) 自然を被造物とみなし,人間が主人として支配の攻撃的傾向の裏付けとなってきたのです。新大陸の征服,資源の搾取,自然界の破壊へと連鎖します。つまり神でない自然,被造物をいかに効率よく生産の拠点として活用できるかが成功の成否になります。「昔は,人間は自然の一部であった。今や,人間はそれを搾取する者となった」と言われます。10) ルネ・デカルト[1596-1650]は人間が「思考するもの(res cogitans)」と近代的な哲学的思惟により,人間と自然を区分します。17世紀に始まる科学技術の発展の基礎を築きます。数値による価値観を強調し,能率が優先されるようになります。人間は自然の上に立つというデカルト哲学のもと,科学は発展し,産業革命が起こります。しかし,環境破壊の序章となります。20世紀の著名な神学者パウル・ティリッヒ[1886-1965]たちも導線を継承します11)

  1. 日本人の自然観の断層
    西行[1118-1190]は亡くなる十数年前に,歌を詠んでいました。「願はくは花のもとにて春死なむ その如月の望月の頃」西行が来世へ旅立ったのは如月の望月[釈迦の命日2月15日]の翌日の16日です。自然の中にこそ,心の平安が得られるのです。自然界のモノを持つことより,共に生きることが日本人のメンタリティに訴えます。
    日本も天然資源である森林,水,土壌を豊かに「持つ」国です。「資源」の定義は「自然から得られる生産に役立つ要素。広くは産業のもととなるもの,産業を支えているものをいう」ことです12)。21世紀に入り,環太平洋火山帯(Ring of Fire)では繰り返し集中豪雨,洪水,地震などの自然災害が多発してきました。森には自然災害を防ぐ環境の役割と復興住宅の木材を供給する産業の役割がありました13)。日本では自然界にあるモノ(素材,原料)は産業に変えるものになっていました。労働を加えることにより,加工して販売していきました。戦前,やがて資源を持たざる国として領土狭隘,人口過剰,植民地正当化により北東アジアに進出しました。諸外国からの資源供給の生命線を断たれると大戦に打って出ざるを得なくなりました。安い外材がカナダなどか輸入される前,建築用資材でもうかる間は杉,ひのきなどを,精力的に全国に植樹してきました。しかし,日本に資源はなかったのでしょうか。たとえば,日本の木材自給率を考慮しますと,1950年代初期まで100パーセント近く誇っていました。1970年には45パーセントに低下,1990年には28パーセントになり,現在,20パーセント前後で推移しています14)。日本の林業も農業と同じように安価な外材にさらされています。資源を持たないこと以外に憂慮すべきことがあります。
    西洋哲学では人類は存続できません。石巻がお母さんの出身地である梅原猛さんが新たな文明の原理として打ち出したのが日本に古来からある自然と共存する思想です。それは「草木国土悉皆成仏(そうもくこくどしっかいじょうぶつ)」という仏教の言葉に象徴されています。草も木も土や風に至るまで地球上のありとあらゆるものに仏が宿り,人間と同じように魂を持つという考えです。人間だけが特別な存在ではなく,すべてのものが地球の一部に過ぎません。この思想は縄文時代以来の日本人のイデオロギーを受け継いだものであると梅原さんは語ります。「依正不二」(えしょうふに)[依報(自然)と 正報(人間主体)とは 不二,即ち一体であるということ]の自然観が福島第一原発事故によって無残にも傷つけられたのではないでしょうか。大消費地の東京の不夜城のようなネオンサイン,木目ない家屋構造,浄水器がないと安心して飲めない水道など,個々の生活を守るセキュリティは一見確保されています。しかし,被災地,限界集落,過疎,高齢化,少子化の地方は見向きもされていません。
  2. 人格=人間と非人格=自然のあいだの循環
    日本人が大切にしていた感性に「神」の語源になったかどうかはわかりませんけれど,「カムイ」というアイヌ語があります。アイヌモシリ[人間の静かなる大地]では神と人間と自然は共生しています。モノを持つこと[to have]ではなく,いる[to be]です。つまり所有ではなく,存在への価値観に重心が置かれます16)。宮城県石巻市につながる三陸道の野原に,ときおり,蝶が卵を産みにやって来ます。華やかな訪問者に,運転する人の頬は思わず緩むでしょう。小学校時代,里山で捕虫網をもって蝶を追いかけた記憶がある人たちは多いでしょう。時には,神隠しならぬ蝶隠しになってあせったりしたことがあったにちがいありません。ギフチョウを春の女神と言ったりします。蝶の愛好家が蝶の幼虫が好む食草や植樹を庭や近隣に植えることによって絶滅が免れるのです。
    「アイヌの人たちは木や草は神であり,神の国では人間の姿をして生活を営んでいると考え」17)ました。フクジュソウについてアイヌは謳っています。「わたしの宝刀を抜くと その刃先から フクジュソウの花の色が 金色に輝き 神の光となって走った―ユカ」と金色に光るその花の黄に神の光を見出しています18)。ところが,2011年フクシマのメルトダウン(炉心溶融)により神は死んだのです。自然も死んだのです。
    戦前はどうでしたか。資源について企業利益を優先するあまり,足尾鉱毒事件が起こりました。田中正造議員も主張します。「草木ハ人為人造ニあらず。全然神力の働きの此一部ニ顕わる結果なり。」「鳥獣虫魚貝山川草樹,凡天地間の動植物ハ,何一トシテ我ニ教へざるなけれバ,是皆我良師なり。アーメン」19)と草木などの 自然を支配の対象ではなく,教え手とみなしています。

 (3) 被造物の解放
a. 被造物の呻き

「被造物がすべて今日まで,共にうめき,共に産みの苦しみを味わっていることを,わたしたちは知っています」(ローマ 8:22)。

石巻市万石浦湾は世界一の牡蠣の養殖場です。海苔の業者も今日,嘆きます。人間の生活排水,コンクリート工法,防潮堤が海の生態を損なっているのです。ノロウイルスはバリカン症,赤腐れ病(Red rot)の原因になっています。

 b. 共苦
被災地では,「孤独死」から「孤立死」,「餓死」,「凍死」,「自殺」,「介護心中・殺人」,「手遅れ死」などの震災関連死が蔓延しています。1947年に施行された日本国憲法第25条に生存権が規定されていますが,死文化しています。2016年以降,石巻市で本格的に傾聴ボランティアをしていますと,医師不足,看護師,ケアマネージャー,ヘルパー不足の深刻な悩みに遭遇します。福祉に従事する人数は必要数に対して大幅に不足しているのは3.11以前からです。ですから,震災以降,深刻な医療危機に被災地はさらされています。東北3県で最も被害者が多かった宮城県石巻市,その中でも津波の犠牲者が面積当たり一番ひどかったのは渡波(わたのは)でした。その渡波の在宅被災者に対して医療に携わる人の数はゼロが震災後続きました。恨めば恨むほど,精神衛生上,不幸感が高まっています。自殺した南相馬の93歳の女性の遺書に記されています。「毎日原発のことばかりでいきたここちしませんこうするよりしかたありません さようなら 私はお墓にひなんします」22)。女性の死は,見殺しではありませんか。日本が1979年に批准した“国際人権条約”の「居住の権利」には,「現在住んでいる場所に住み続ける権利」right to remain だけでなく,「汚染源を住居の近くに作られない権利」があります。住み続けるためには,原発のようなものを作ってはならないし,作ろうとする大企業から個人を守るのが政府の役割です。しかし,政・官・財・学・マスコミは,電力会社からの潤沢な献金によって,脱原発も骨抜きにされています。身代わりとして,93歳の女性は骨になる必要はなかったと思うと,体の芯から震えます。

 c.  自己に対する誠実から「正義の循環」へ


今の時代,神が死んだのではありません。自然が死んだのでもありません。人間が死んだのです。自分の体に傷がある場合,7年経ち,細胞の代謝によって見えなくなるでしょう。傷ついた動物が癒しにくる温泉では,熊もウサギを襲いません。一般に「狼は小羊を襲い,豹は子山羊を襲い,若いライオンは子牛を襲う」のであります。しかし,「狼は小羊と共に宿り 豹は子山羊と共に伏す。子牛は若獅子と共に育ち 小さい子供がそれらを導く。」23)と新しい天と地が待たれます。ヒンズー教の大聖マハトマ・ガンジーが「明るく,楽しく,そして,しつこく」の言葉に留意しましょう。カタツムリのように歩を進めていくこと,それもしつこくが大切です。将棋のようにいつか歩は金に成るのです。「隣人を愛しなさい」,と耳にしますが,私たち宗教者自身が隣人を必要としている被災地の自然,抑圧されている人,弱者に対してチムグルシー(琉球の胆苦しい)共苦を抱いて接します。単にかわいそうに思う気持を言い表すのでなく,人の痛みの中に自分の痛みを見出し,心の奥深くにある哀しみを共感していきましょう。人権が損なわれている人と共に生きましょう。7月24日中国四川省から戻りました。わずかの滞在でしたが,友誼に篤い友ができました。中国人の親切,正直さにも改めて認識を深める視察旅行になりました。先入観なしに隣国の人たちと交友を深める苦縁の先兵として行かせていただきましょう。「日本人は僕らの敵から恩人に そして友達に」とつながるのは政府,官僚,机の上の計画では成し遂げられません。仕える共苦の中に鍵があり,新しい歴史の扉を開くのです。

す」(フィリピ 2:13) “for it is God who works in you to will and to his  good   purpose. ”
2) 沼地などの減少により生息地がせばめられ,絶滅危惧種に指定されているイトトンボ。
3) 創世記 1章28節。
4)『聖典と現代社会の諸問題』(樋口進 キリスト新聞社 2011年 76,77頁)。
“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock?  You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled (radah) them harshly and brutally. Ezekiel 34:2-4 NIV.
5) 神戸国際支縁機構「牡鹿半島 聞き取り調査 (4) 」 2011年7月2日。
6)『歌集・森は海の恋人』熊谷龍子 北斗出版 1996年。
7) ルカ 15章18節。『新約聖書 柳生直行訳』(新教出版社 1985年)。
8) 創世記 2章9節。『新共同訳』。
9)『機械と神』(リン・ホワイト みすず書房 1972年 87-92頁)。
10) 同。
11)“Logos und Mythos der Technik”Tillichi GW.IX 1927 p.305-306。
13)『森と人間』(田嶋謙三,神田リエ 朝日新聞社 2008年 57頁)。
14)『「持たざる国」の資源論』(佐藤仁 東京大学出版会 2011年 166頁)。
15)『アイヌ式エコロジー生活』(さとうち藍 小学館 2008年 8頁)。
16)『生きるということ』(エーリッヒ・フロム 紀伊國屋書店 1977年 39,46頁)。
17)『アイヌと植物』(福岡イト子 旭川振興公社刊 1993年 74頁)。
18) 同 82-83頁。
19)『田中正造全集第11巻』(田中正造全集編纂会 岩波書店 1979年 330,341頁)。
21)ラインホルド・ニーバー[1892-1971] ニーバーは「神よ, 変えることのできるものについて, それを変えるだけの勇気をわれらに与えたまえ。 変えることのできないものについては, それを受けいれるだけの冷静さを与えたまえ」,という祈りを説きました。 『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』(1950年7月2日 23頁)。
23) イザヤ 11:6。

“Resurrection of Rice Field, Mountain, and Bay”
– Religious Ethical Society  Summer Seminar –

Date: August 27 (Tuesday), 2013. 2:30pm ~ 3pm
Place: Asuka Institute of Kansai University Ueda Memorial Hall

Kobe International Christ Church
Pastor Yoshio Iwamura

From July 7, 2013, a heavy rain hit Sichuan, China for about a week. Inundation above floor level reached more than 6 million, and huge amount of high buildings were destroyed. My wife Kayoko said that “The damage is worse than the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.” We prepared everything in 3 days. We didn’t know anybody on the site. We even cannot speak Chinese. In terms of money, we bought 124,810 yen around tickets of China Eastern Airlines via Shanghai on 10 time payments. We put our sleeping bags in suitcases and we headed to Kansai Airport after the worship service on July 21 (Sunday), 2013 with our determination that we will go to the disaster affected area even we should fast for four days. Why could we go the disaster affected area without carrying a lot of money? It is recorded in the New Testament that “And he left them and went out of the city to Bethany, where he spent the night. (Matthew 21:17)”. Japanese Bible translation is not correct. Jesus “spent the night” (Greek aulizomai) means “sleep in the garden, sleep outside”(Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament) Since he spent the night outside, he did not eat properly. If you look into the following sentence, it is written that “Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. (Matthew 21:18)” Continuing on, it is said “Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered. (Matthew 21:19)” So, did Jesus vent his anger when he was hungry? In context, in the temple courts, it is recorded that “Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.” And after he saw a fig tree, he said that “found nothing on it except leaves”. In other words, he criticized that “found nothing on it except leaves” is just like a majestic synagogue where tourists visit. Christianity also often spends a lot of money for ○○ tournaments, events and bazaars, but it may be a mechanism to temporarily enhance people’s emotion. In the parallel description, the Gospel of Mark, it is written that “Because it was not the season for figs. (Mark 11:13)” Therefore, we can see that Christ did not angry by his personal feeling. He told his disciples that Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. 22If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (Matthew 21:21)”. He told to do actual work. He encouraged doing actual act rather than just preaching the love for neighbors. We headed to the disaster affected area in Sichuan, China with our sleeping bags. I and my wife Kayoko was encouraged doing our will to engage in “work” for affected victims.[1] It was the same motivation that we had when we headed to the disaster affected area in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture with young people two years and five months ago.

(1) Scars of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami
 a. Impact on ecosystem
On 2:46pm, the devastation was huge. As far as I could see, there were rubbles, destroyed houses and traces of earthquake disasters.
Nearly 4,000 people became victims even only in Ishinomaki City.
“We have suffered terror and pitfalls, ruin and destruction. Streams of tears flow from my eyes because my people are destroyed. (Lamentations 3:47-48)”
The tsunami hit the Kasagai island, which is located on northeast of the Oshika Peninsula, Ishinomaki City. The height (runup height) was 43 meters. It was greater than the 1896 Sanriku earthquake. The trees in the mountains were covered by the sea, and the trees were vanished. Even cars were skewered in the rice fields. The fishery house at Mangoku-ura bay, where has the best oysters and seaweeds in Japan, has been flooded.
Water stream from the mountains grow rice. Piled-up leaves make a good soil. Clean water produces delicious crops. Waste water from pesticide-free, organic soil becomes a river and it flows into the sea. “All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again. (Ecclesiastes 1:7)” Nature is circulating. It travels from the mountain to the sea; water evaporates in the ocean, becomes rain and falls on the mountain again.
Nature life has been linked to each other since the birth of the earth. Why had herbivorous animals not eating up by carnivorous animals? Because the grass was everywhere in the earth. Herbivorous animals such as cows with a large stomach, sheep and rabbits birth many children. There are special microorganisms in the stomach of the ruminant animals. They have survived with the helpful microorganisms for digestion. Carnivorous animals attack, so number of herbivorous animals will reduce. Then, carnivorous animals will have no animals to eat. On the other hand, the number of small animals will increase since their dangerous beasts are gone. It has been repeated for centuries.


Nature is the source for humans to receive benefit. However, rice Field, mountain, and bay became a place to make money. We use pesticides and formalin to grow crops, and use machines for efficiency to fill our greed. We do not think about safety of food to eat. We behave like human beings are greater than anything in the natural world. The number of sparrows and bees in Satoyama (里山: undeveloped woodland near populated area) has decreased. We hardly see small bug chironomidae that was used to fly a lot in the sky in the evening. Sparrows are disappearing due to the lack of insects to eat.
The Tohoku region, like other regions in Japan, was losing swamps near the sea. The natural environment has changed because it changed to be a flat land for housing and create large paddy fields. Therefore, when the tsunami hit, the water reached to the 40 km deep area from the sea. What had happened to the four-spot midget that lives in the swamps of the coast and estuary?[2] I have been visiting from Kobe for two years since 2011, but I haven’t been able to see the four-spot midget. Have livable habitats for dragonflies and butterflies that have moved to the north part due to the global warming had disappeared?
There is the word of God saying that humans should rule the earth. “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’”[3] “Subdue (Hebrew kabash)” kabash and “rule over (radah)” is used (Ezekiel 34:4). As it is in the context, “radah”is the meaning of caring, taking care of the flock by the shepherds. (Ezekiel 34:2-4)”. Therefore, it is not control down violently.[4] Humans must take care of nature in a gentle manner. However, for the sake of benefit, it has been ruined by environment disruption, pollution and arrogant control. Let’s return to the origin of living with nature.

c. Coexistence with nature

In the year of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, I visited the Oshika Peninsula at Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. The name of “Shika (literally meaning, deer)” is everywhere. Ainu people prayed for Kamuy (“God” in Ainu language) when they could get a lot of deer.[5] Houses, lives and jobs at the ria coast area are completely washed away. Mr.Shoichi Abe, the current director of Ishinomaki branch of Kobe International Sustaining Organization and he is also a former principle at several elementary schools, guided us. Looking at the Oshika Peninsula from the ocean, you can see rich green mountains. There are many broad-leaf trees such as maple trees and quercus serrata. When you enter the forest, you will be buried in fallen leaves until your waist. Under the fallen leaves, there are many years of accumulated leaf mulch. When I put my hands in it to look if any beetles or stag beetles are sleeping, I smelled of mushrooms.
There is Mr. Shigeatsu Hatayama who is promoting the movement of “Forest is a lover of the sea” in Kesennuma bay, Miyagi Prefecture. I was made to notice that in order to revive the power of the diminished sea, it is important to take care of the river pouring into the sea and the upstream forest. We plant a seedling in the forest at Mount Murone that is located at the upstream of Ookawa River that flow into the bay. Since 1989, we started planning 250,000 trees of 50 species of broad-leaf trees with children. The movement was born from a poem of Miss. Ryuko Kumatani, who lives at mountain village, “Eternal love is spinning while the forest loves the sea and the sea love the forest.”[6] When I listen to trees, I can hear the sound. They are alive. The poem takes trees as their original words, and it has the sound that has been flowing through the history.
We have destroyed nature by our selfish way of life. We are the prodigal children who forgot own hometown. For the son who admires the nature of the hometown as “I will set out and go back to my father”[7], the place to return is the forest. In the Garden of Eden, which is the forest, there were “the tree of life” and “the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”[8] Humans have repeatedly strayed whether to protect forests, or to build sediment control dam, flood-control dam, and landslide dam. In Tohoku region, they are in trouble with the increase of deer. “The tree of life” takes care of the seedlings of the forest and considers the natural “ecosystem”. On the other hand, “the tree of knowledge of good and evil” think the “life” of people who dominant the nature, so people has no choice but reducing the number of deer.
Which one should we think first, natural “ecosystem” or human “life”?
“Resurrection of Rice Field, Mountain, and Bay” thinks about both side and opens a path that everyone can agree. We live with nature by having a connection with other creatures.

(2) Taking care of the nature rather than dominating it.
a. Let the earth to obey.

“All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind.( James 3:7)” Subdue the earth, which is to say the word of “rule over (dominiu terrae)”, appears in the beginning of the Bible, Genesis 1:28 that is the creation of mankind. The early Fathers and successive theologians have also been interpreted that humans have the power to control nature.[9] We have saw nature as a creation, and it became the proof for humans to do aggressive domination as the master. It leads to the conquest of the new continent, the exploitation of resources and the destruction of the natural world. In other words, whether it will able to utilize the nature and creation, which is not god, as the production base became the point of the success and failure. It is said that “In the past, humans were part of nature. However now, humans have become exploiters.”[10] René Descartes [1596-1650] divides human and nature by modern philosophical thinking that human is “mental substance (res cogitans)”. He established the foundation of the development of science and technology that began in the 17th century. Emphasizing on numerical values and efficiency is prioritized. Under the Cartesianism that humans stand on nature, science developed and an industrial revolution took place. However, it became the beginning of environmental destruction. Prominent theologian Paul Tillich [1886-1965] of the 20th century also inherits the leading track.[11] 

b. Faults in the Japanese new of nature

Saigyō Hōshi [1118-1190] read a song about ten years before his death. “Negawakuwa hana no shita nite haru shinan sono kisaragi no mochizuki no koro. (I hope to die under the cherry blossoms in spring, around the time of full moon in February of the old calendar).” Saigyō departure to the next life on 16th of the next day of “kisaragi no Mochizuki (the anniversary day of Buddha on February 15th)”. We are able to have peace of mind only in the nature. Living together with the natural world is more appealing to Japanese mentality than having things from it.
There are some people who collect stamps at their young age. Some elementary school students may be more interested in collecting insects. It seems that there is a motivation for children to “have”. About the butterfly that exists in the nature, their quantity, quality and maintenance as “things” become the center of children’s interest.
Japan is also a country that “has” rich natural resources such as forests, water and soil. The definition of “resources” is that “An element that contributes to production that can be obtained from the nature. Widely, it refers to what will be the basis of industry and support it.”[12] Coming into the 21st century, natural disasters such as concentrated heavy rain, water flood and earthquake have been repeatedly happening on the Pacific Ring of Fire area. In the forest, there are roles as environment to prevent natural disasters and as an industry to provide wood materials for reconstruction housing.[13] In Japan, “things (materials and raw materials)” in the natural world have been turned into industries. By adding labor work, we have manufactured and sold it. Before the war, as a country without resources, Japan made her way into Northeast Asia because of territorial narrowness, overpopulation and justifying of colonialism. When the lifeline of resource supply from other countries was cut off, there was no way but start the great war. Before importing cheap foreign wooden materials from Canada, cedars and cypress trees, which can make good money as construction materials, were strenuously planted throughout in Japan. But did Japan have no resources? For example, thinking about the Japan’s self-sufficiency ratio of woods, it was proudly nearly 100% until the early 1950s. However, it dropped to 45 % in 1970 and 28% in 1990, and currently shifted to around 20%.[14] Both forestry and agriculture in Japan is exposed to cheap external materials. There are other concerns besides having no resources.
In addition to problems such as air pollution, dioxins and drug dispersion, it has become a conviction line for natural disasters due to environmental destruction that people will be not concerning about Satoyama, local sea and local agricultural fields. Tragedy that would cause the extinction of humans, wildlife and plants which are living on the space craft Earth, shouldn’t be happened.
Mankind cannot survive in Western philosophy. An idea of coexistence with nature that has existed since ancient times in Japan, is introduced by Mr. Takeshi Umehara, whose mother was from Ishinomaki city, as a new principle of new civilization. It is symbolized by the Buddhist words of “Sou-moku-koku-do-shi-kkai-jou-butsu (草木国土悉皆成仏. All things have the Buddha’s nature)”. It is the idea that every things on earth, from grass, trees, soil and wind, have the Buddha’s nature and they have the same souls as human beings. Humans are not only special existence, and everything is only part of the earth. Mr. Takeshi Umehara says that this thoughts is inherited the Japanese ideology since the Jomon Era. The view of the nature of “Eshō-funi (依正不二. Oneness of life and its environment. It is also described as Eshō [依正 : the enrionment] and Shōhō [正報: human life] that it exist together as one. Undividable things)”, may have been hurt miserably by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Mass consumption of neon lighting at sleepless town Tokyo. A house without wooden appearance. The water supply that is not suitable for drinking without water purifier. It seems that the security to protect individual life has been secured. However, the other side reality of the affected areas, marginal villages, depopulations, aging society and declining birthrates have not been getting attention.

c. Circulation among personality = human and impersonality = the nature

The identity of Ainu is introduced that “Ainu, it means human, and there are kamuy in the world that far beyond human power. Kamuy of the fire, kamuy of the mountain, kamuy of the river and kamuy of the wind. Humans respect kamuy, and appreciate the grace from it. And also, kamuy appears in the human world in the form of creatures such as bears and owls. Kamuy is an entity that raises lives that humans cannot create.”[15]
I don’t know whether the sensitivities that Japanese people values became the origin of the word of “God”, but there is the Ainu word, “kamuy”. In the Ainu mosir (the quiet earth of human beings), god, humans and the nature are coexisting. It is not “to have” things, but “to be”. In other words, a value of existence is putted importantly on the center, not for possession.[16] Occasionally, butterflies come to lay eggs in the fields of the Sanriku road that leads to Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. Drivers may naturally smile when they see those beautiful visitors. I think that there are many people have memories of chasing butterflies with insect nets at their elementary school days. Sometimes, they must have experience for being spirited off by butterflies and confused from it. People call the Japanese luehdorfia as the spring goddess. Extinction of butterflies is prevented by butterfly lovers through their effort to plant butterfly’s favorite grass and plants at gardens and neighboring places.
The Ainu people thought, “The trees and grass are god, and in the kingdom of God, they live in human figure.”[17] Ainu talks about Amur adonis. They find the light of the god in the shining yellow flower in gold as “When I took out my treasured sword, the yellow flower Amur Adonis shined in golden color and went out as a light of god from the tip of sword – Yukara (Ainu sagas that form a long rich tradition of oral literature).”[18] However, god died due to the nuclear meltdown ((core meltdown) of Fukushima in 2011. The nature is also dead.
How was it before the war? The Ashio Copper Mine Incident occurred because of putting too much priority on corporate interests in resources.
The house of representatives, Mr. Shōzō Tanaka insisted. “Plants are not human made. All of things are the part of results of the work of the divinity. Bird, animal, insect, fish, shellfish, mountain, river, grass and tree. All of things exist between the heaven and the earth teaches me. All of them are my good teacher. Amen.”[19] He takes grass, trees and nature not a subject of control, but as a teacher.

(3) Release of the creation
a. Groaning of the creation

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. (Romans 8:22)”

Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima are groaning. At the year of the 66th year after the atomic bombing and the 40th year after the starting operation of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the nuclear meltdown (core meltdown) occurred at the level 7 of the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale. By the accident, 630,000 TBq of radioactivity were released. About 152,000 people were forced to evacuate due to soil contamination. Currently, polluted mud is flowing out from the plastic bag that contains the decontaminated soil.
The village chief of Iidate in Fukushima Prefecture said that “70% of the area in Iidate is the mountain. Even we decontaminate around our house and farming land, we are not able to decontaminate the mountain. So, the radioactivity is flowing from the mountain. Children are victims. They must carry a sticker of an Iidate villager for the rest of their lives.”
Safety is considered to be the most important more than ever. However, extreme anxiety and stress are spreading more and more. According to the statistical point of view, that is, the philosopher Descartes’ rule of signs, it can be said as safe. However, in essence, the modern society has continuously postponed the threat of Eschaton, bringing together the wisdom of humanity, and it try to invent versatile science, mass consumption and convenience. This time, the endless continuing of great fear of decontamination, atomic bomb survivor, and impossible of reactor decommissioning is nothing like but same the fear that the future image that has been postponed to uncertain horizon, is finally found in the last scene of the movie “Planet of the Apes”. Roar of the Auschwitz concentration camp, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima was a shadow of preoccupation for the future attacking, but we could not stop the fear of darkness of heaven and earth that was creeping up on. Nevertheless, enthusiasm of scientists, engineers and politicians, officials, economic leaders, and scholars who aim to be a military state are filled absolutely without repenting. A male worker, who was engaging in public work for removing the rubble at the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, was exposed to asbestos and developed mesothelioma in his 40s.[20] The period of exposure, the median is 17.4 years. The median period to death is 15 months after onset. We must not forget the onset of time bombs of the exposure from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident. Radioactivity is already circulation around the earth.
Nuclear power and Christianity never encounter. Nuclear power plant in Japan is a deep root problem of Christianity. The United States theologian Reinhold Niebuhr accused the atomic bombing to Hiroshima. However, he deliberately ignores a development of a nuclear power plant.[21] It is because that he did not identify the atomic bomb and the nuclear power plant as the same monster. Therefore we “changed it, though we should not change it.” Nuclear power generation is not an exclusive feature of Kyoto University and Kindai University only. The largest Anglican Christian affiliated university, Rikkyo University became the first soldier for nuclear power research of the United States. Christianity itself brought the nuclear power plant for a peaceful use as the fire of Prometheus. Even Christianity is the cause of the roar of the creation, they have not apologized once.
Not only all mankind on the earth is facing to the food shortage, ratio of food self-sufficiency of Japan has dropped below 40% and we are standing on the edge of whether we can survive or not. Consumers are also tending to prefer bread than rice, meat than fish, so we are becoming to be difficult to do self-sufficiency more and more. The system structure that young people can take part in agriculture, fishery and forestry of the primary sector of the economy in order to produce, process and sell it, isn’t established. Collapse of the village society by the depopulation, aging society and declining birthrate due to the gap from Tokyo centralization, is a red signal. In exchange for development of the mass consumption, the gap structure of depopulation, aging society and declining birthdate can be said to be “exploitation (Ausbeutung) against the natural world. Young people are not interested in agriculture, forestry and fishery work even in the time of more turnover propensity, hollowing out of industry, and shortage of skilled workers. Because young people do not want to be exploited, dominated, or controlled. Due to the rice acreage reduction policy, only 2,600,000 hectares of farmland are left. Fallow fields and abandoned fields are just left behind.
Mangokuura, Ishinomaki City, is the world’s largest oyster bed. Today, nori growers are also crying. Human sewage, concrete construction methods and seawall are damaging the ecology system of the sea. Norovirus is a cause of clippers syndrome and red rot.
The land is sick. Water strikes the land where people live in by becoming heavy rain, tsunami and flood. Fire is symbolized by volcanic explosions. The air has become a natural catastrophe element such as tornadoes.
The earth is groaning. When the people were groaning in Egypt, God sent Moses. Even in Japan, Gyōki [668-749] did not teach, and talk about the fundamental doctrine, but served the people and the nature that were groaning.

b. Share sufferings

In the disaster affected area, disaster-related deaths such as “lonely death”, “unattended death”, “hunger death”, “freezing death”, “suicide”, “caregiving-suicide / murder” and “too late death” are spreading. In Article 25 of the Constitution of Japan, which came into effect in 1947, it defines the right to live, but it is a dead culture now. While we have been engaging in listening volunteer in Ishinomaki City since 2016, we have encountered serious problems of lack of doctors, nurses, care managers and caretakers. The number of people engaged in welfare work was significantly short for the required number even before the 3.11 event. However, the disaster affected area has been faced to a serious medical crisis since the earthquake. Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture had the highest number of casualties in the three prefectures in Tohoku region, and Watanoha area had the most severely damage and victims by tsunami per area. The people who involve in medical care for the home-victims in Watanoha were zero after the earthquake and it had continued for a while. The more you blame, consider about the mental health, the more you feel unhappy. It is written in the will of a 93-year-old lady from Minami-soma who committed suicide. “I feel more dead than alive because of the nuclear power every day. I have no other way. Good-bye. I will escape to the grave.”[22] Isn’t the death of her an act of forsaking? “The right to housing” in “the International Bill of Human Rights”, which Japan ratified in 1979, includes not only “the right to remain the place where you live now” but also “the right that not allow creating pollution source at near your residence”. In order to live continuously, we should not make something like nuclear power plants, and it is the role of the government to protect individuals from the big companies that are trying to create it. However, politicians, officials, economic leaders, scholars, and mass media have been mutilated by rich contributions from electric power companies so they don’t talk about abandoning nuclear power generations. When I think that it was unnecessary for 93-year-old old lady to sacrifice herself, I feel deep pain from bottom of my heart.

Lonely death and people who do pachinko parlors are in in direct proportion rate in Tohoku area. Almost 70 ~ 80% of customers are old people. It is because that they lost their community, job and family. The relationship between the society and the mind are separated. People have no other choice, but forget everything in a loud music. When they leave pachinko parlor, there is nothing.
Even they want to live, but they cannot do agriculture because of radioactive contamination. There is no life security. It is like that the administration of the country, prefecture and city are saying “die” in starvation to certain people who are engaging in farmers and fishery in Fukushima, For lonely elderly people, who lost their families by the earthquake and feel like a living hell and tossing oneself about in great pain with their very limited national pension support, there is no hope for a day that will come, when they can say “I am so glad to live”.
It is the job inside the nuclear power plant that “the grading of life” goes through even though people’s life should be equal. Those who live on the streets without residence certificate, they cannot sue even if they are occupationally irradiated. Even today, people are forced to work inside the dangerous area where employees of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings don’t enter, under surveillance.
The number of people who chose to finish their own life will never stop, because they don’t want to suffer in living hell. Can we cynical about their choice as weak, ephemerality and unmanly? There is full of unhappiness while they are living. Among the earthquake-related deaths, the rate of suicide stands out.

c.From sincerity to self to “circle of justice”.

We must tie again the relationship with a society. We might need another “support” for relationship. We need to put together a variety of yam to make a strong but kind relationship.

The number of foreigners in the disaster affected area is 75,000. There are 513 people in Ishinomaki City. There are wives and children who lost their Japanese husbands and father in the earthquake. They cannot even go back to Philippines because their children are already seniors in elementary school. Widows feel alone because there is no foreign married woman in the neighborhood. Their life insurance is about to run out. It is also difficult to find a job, but children need to go to school. Their hardships are continuing. In order to confirm the safety of foreign victims and rebuild their lives, it is necessary to have 75,000 volunteers of one-on-one collaborators. It would be desirable to have more ethnic communities. At the same time, whole Japan must aim for multiethnic and multicultural coexistence. The tragedy of international marriage is serious. Japanese husbands, who have only three words of “furo, food, sleep” at home, treat their spouse very badly. If their food and furo had not ready, their domestic violent is a daily thing. They took the passport of their wives and they are just like a king who has a right to give foreign resident status in Japan. Their wives cannot escape. Before marring, their husband treated them kindly, but they become violent in less than a year.
The disaster unemployment drives up. Even they want to divorce, there is no resident status, no money and it is difficult for foreign wives to find a job. Even if they are employed, employer treats foreign workers as disposable labor, and there is no punishment regulation against sexual harassment or power harassment. When they consult with immigration bureau of the Ministry of Justice, they are just said, “Why you got married?” Office people just say, “Why don’t you go back to Philippines?”, “If you don’t have certificate of DV proof, we cannot accept your appeal”, “Please consult with others. Immigration bureau office is not the place for life counselling”, “Your bullies might be caused because you just fall down. We cannot listen to you if you don’t have doctor’s certificate”, or “You just need to bear it”. Listening volunteer in Tohoku region have become an opportunity to learn about sociopathological phenomena in Japan that lost justice. The air to manage foreigners by severe eyes of whole Japanese people, media and police is the root of the problem more than immigration control by close monitoring of immigration bureau through “residence card”.
The Japanese have no absolute norms for the emotional proposition, “must be honest”. After all, only “honest to oneself” is the most important virtue point. We will be required to reflect on the fact that we have not criticized toward “honesty”. The most easy-to-understand concept of Japanese basic religion is “honesty”. However, we need the ability to examine whet here we can extend our awareness of “human dignity” to other people. Traditionally in Japan, “honesty” for others, for groups, and for all things is completed in “honesty in oneself”.
As we are wishing for the circulation of nature in “Resurrection of Rice Field, Mountain, and Bay”, it is the Kairos (time) that each one of us stands out by noticing the “work” that each religious people hold hands together to pray for “circle of justice” and share it and exercise it. We must not make our activities as a work or labor of groups, movements and organizations.

God has not die in this era. Nature has also not died. But humans have died. If you have a wound on your body, after seven years, your scars will be hardly to see it due to cell metabolism. At the hot spring where injured animals come to heal, a bear does not attack a rabbit. In general, “The wolf attacks the lambs, the leopard attacks the young goats, and the young lion attacks the calf.” However, a new heaven and earth is awaited, “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.”[23] Keep in mind the words of Mahatma Gandhi, that “to be bright full, enjoyable, and persistent”. It is important to keep walking like snail and keep it insist. Someday, like shogi (Japanese chess), a pawn will be a gold general. We hear that “love your neighbors”, but we, religious people, should be with the oppressed nature and people that in need to have their neighbors. And as well as we need to be with the vulnerable people by means of cimugurusii (Okinawa dialect. “Sufferings from deep inside”). Not only simply expressing a feeling of sadness, let’s find out your pain in other’s pain and sympathize with the sorrow that stays deep in mind. Let’s live with the people whose human rights are ignored. I returned from Sichuan, China on July 24. Although it was only a short time stay, I made a good friend in Youyi County.
It became a learning trip to deepen awareness of the kindness and honesty of the Chinese people. Let’s go as a first solider of “Ku-en (苦縁. Connection born from sharing sufferings)” to deepen relationship with neighboring people without having prejudice.
To be connected as “Japanese people became our benefactors from enemy, and we become friends”, cannot be achieved by the government, bureaucrats and plan on paper. There is a key in struggles that we serve, and we can open the door to a new history.

[1] “For it is God who works in you to will and to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)
[2] Due to the reduction of swamps, habitats of Damselfly are narrowed and they are acknowledged as endangered species.
[3] Genesis 1:28
[4] 2011. S, Higuchi. Seiten to gendaishyakai no shyomondai. The Kirisuto Shimbun. 76-77.
  “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord  
  says: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? 3
  You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the
  flock. 4 You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back
  the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled (radah)them harshly and brutally. Ezekiel 34:2-4 NIV.
[5] 2011. “Research in Oshika Hanto (4)”. Kobe International Sustaining Organization. July 2.
[6] 1996. R, Kumatani. Kashyu / Mori ha umi no koibito. Hokutosha.
[7] 1985. Luke 15:18. The New Testament. Translated by Naoyuki Yagyu. Shinkyo Publishing.
[8] Genesis 2:9. The Bible, The New Interconfessional Translation.
[9] 1972. L, White. Machina ex deo : essays in the dynamism of western culture. Misuzu Shobo. 87-92.
[10] ibid.
[11]  1927. P, Tillich. Logos und Mythos der Technik GW.IX. 305-306.
[12] Daijirin (2nd edition)
[13] 2008. K, Tajima. R, Kanda. Mori to nigen. Asahi Shimbun Publications. 57.
[14] 2011. J, Sato. A Theory on Resources Claimed by a Resource Impoverished Country: Towards Integration with Environmental Theory. University of Tokyo Press. 166.
[15] 2008. A, Satouchi. Ainushiki ecologe seikatsu. Shogakukan. 8.
[16] 1977. E, Fromm. To Have or to Be? Books Kinokuniya. 39, 46.
[17] 1993. I, Fukuoka. Ainu to shyokubutsu. Asahikawa Development and Promotion Corporation. 74.
[18] ibid. 82-83.
[19] 1979. Tanaka Shōzō zenshyu dai 11kan. Tanaka Shōzō zenshyu hensaikai. Iwanami Shoten. 330, 341.
[20] 2012. Mainichi Shimbun. July 7.
[21] Reinhold Niebuhr [1892-1971]
Niebuhr preached the Serenity Prayer that, “O God and Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.” 1950. The New York Times Book Review. July 2. 23.
[22] 2011. Mainichi Shimbun. July 9.
[23] Isaiah 11:6



神戸松蔭女子学院大学  「東北の『田・山・湾の復活』」 2012年3月12日
②「みんなで考える9条・明舞の会」 2012年5月13日 「田・山・湾の復活」
③ 季刊誌『支縁』「田・山・湾の復活」連載 No.1(2013年2月3日)~(英文付)
④  宗教倫理学会 「田・山・湾の復活」(英文付)
日 時 : 2013年8月27日(火) 午後2時半~3時半
場 所 : 関西大学飛鳥文化研究所・セミナーハウス
⑤ 『石巻かほく』つつじ野 (2017年10月3日付) 「田・山・湾の復活」(英文付)


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